
Coaching services

I help people connect with their intuitioncore values, set healthy boundaries, and build the life they've always dreamed of,
one day at a time.

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While I offer a range of coaching services, they are at their core focused on connecting with core values, intuition, and taking action based on those. I don't do diets, restriction, spiritual bypassing, or toxic positivity. Here's a peek into some of what I work on with my clients:

life purpose and mindset

intuitive eating and relationships with food

establishing joyful movement routines

burnout & big life changes

Marybeth is an amazing coach, role model, and human being. She's a force of positivity, kindness,

She is exceptionally knowledgeable and strategically develops a coaching plan that meets the needs of her client. My journey with her has been transformative.                      


— Pooja

Working with Marybeth was                        worth it. She helped me identify what my priorities are and how to make time for them, and myself. She encourages and empowers you to show up for yourself every single day, and that is invaluable.


— Gayle

Marybeth is, honestly,

the best coach.

— Roshani

I've had the chance to work with her for only a few short months, but the experience has made me a healthier and happier person. I look forward to every session with her, and can't wait for more!

Marybeth is an incredibly talented and creative individual. She gives you all of the tools, and is with you every step of the way!

— Monica Shoberg

 I felt like the experience was highly tailored to me, and she did an excellent job of getting to know me. Marybeth is incredibly thoughtful and personable, so from our very first conversation I felt comfortable going beyond surface-level topics and talking about the hard stuff.

We deep dived into routines and boundaries, and my quality of life is definitely the better for it.

— Sheila

Working with Marybeth over the last 7 months has been a joy. I always thought I could get out of this rut by myself after 53 years in the rat race. The first step was reaching out, the second step was trusting her system and the third step was doing the work. From there, all things seemed to "magically" fall into place. No magic, just a great mentor who brings a ton of experience to the table and a system that works with no judgement along the way.

— robert

Day of Clarity
Coaching Sessions

90-minutes of 1:1 Coaching with yours truly. Aimed at re-aligning with your core values, connect with intuition through guided journaling, visualization, and breath work - then get to the root of what action steps are next for you.

Perfect for business owners, creatives, past clients, or those who want to dip their toes into coaching.

1:1 Coaching

I work with folks 1:1 for a minimum of three months - why three months? Because 90 days tends to be the minimum required to make lasting change for many of us humans.

I'm a Certified Personal Trainer, Ayurvedic Yoga & Meditation Teacher (RYT200), and former Muay Thai fighter aligned with HAES values. I believe in moving because it feels good, not as a form of punishment or a way to earn or deserve anything.

Food is a powerful tool for reconnecting with creativity and play

I work with individuals and groups to increase confidence and joy with food through teaching vegan and vegetarian cooking classes on a range of subjects - from pantry organization and knife skills, to the perfect brunch. All public cooking classes are included for long-term 1:1 Coaching Clients.


A Good  cup of Chai

Always Order Me

Diet or Hustle Culture

I'm Not About

High Quality Food

Always Splurge On

Not Wear Makeup

Most Likely To

Women Who Run with The Wolves

Favorite Book

Muay Thai fighting

Ask Me About


"Passionate, patient and supportive"

If you are open to change, she will help you change. If you are open to trying something new she will help you. If you are looking for someone who is down to earth and real with you, if you are looking for someone to push you... she is the Woman for the job! 

— Katrina

"Marybeth helped me create a morning routine for myself,

 giving me concrete ways to care for my mind and body and to start my day off right.  I appreciated her approach to coaching—Marybeth challenged me, not to meet some external marker of fitness or success, but to dig into what I really want my life to look like and to stay true to those goals and habits.

She helped me walk the line between intentionality and flexibility, and the holistic nature of what she offers—from seeking body peace to enjoying food to reclaiming movement to setting life goals and more—helped me reconfigure my own understanding of self-care. After working with Marybeth, I felt equipped and energized to continue working to bring all aspects of my life into alignment with my values in big and small ways. 

— Sarah                              

"Marybeth is amazing to work with -

so much so that I've partnered with her to lead two (very different) sessions for me: one on photography and one on cooking. She made the planning process seamless for each one, and the presentation in both cases was easy to follow, so helpful, really informative, and FUN. I can't wait to work with her again!

— Anna

"I had a wonderful experience working with Marybeth as my coach for over a year."

She is a kind, empathetic and compassionate human being and a pleasure to work closely with. Marybeth works hard to help you identify barriers preventing you from practicing healthy habits and gives you the tools you need to implement those habits successfully and sustainably. She is especially adept at working with individuals with burn out and I would (and have) recommend her highly to anyone feeling the effects of burn out.

— Katie                             

ready to start making moves?

Whether you're looking for a 1:1 Coaching experience or not, I encourage you to check out the resources here or contact me and I'll do my best to connect you with other resources for where you're at right now.

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I believe in clear communication & expectations, organization and empathy.

 Think of me as a little "woo" but mostly evidence and logic based. I have a solid work ethic, degrees & certifications to back it up, and a catalogue of life experience that sets me apart from many of my peers.

Find me around the web @LivingWells_

If you're into intentional living with a dose of realism, cozy recipes, and finding beauty in the small things  -  you're in the right place.

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