"Living well happens one day at a time".
That sentiment might have a different meaning to you - to me living well means more days than not that feel spacious, embodied, and connected to nature around me as well as my values, intuition, and joy. I achieve that through mindfulness and creative practices, writing, creating nourishing and beautiful foods and drinks, moving because it feels good (vs. some diet culture bs), and spending ample time in nature.
The work that I do to share this and inspire others to live intentionally is for the little Mb who was quick to cackle and skip through the mud, had a sense of wonder, and didn't worry so damn much - and, for little you who might've been pretty similar.
What I
Time in nature, empathy, unapologetically following one's path, slow meals with friends, authenticity and vulnerability. Also local produce, homemade sourdough bread and fancy drinks.
my go to
Morning Rituals
A barefoot walk in the moss, candle-lit snuggles with Mr. Clarence (my sweet 11 year old pup), journaling, gentle movement, & sipping a warm cozy beverage.
What I'm
not about
Diet or hustle culture, body-shaming, non-stop screen time, blatant or subtle racism, ableism & sexism, late invoice payments, alcohol, meat, or beating around the bush. Also bowtie pasta.
what I
That the true definition of wellness goes far beyond green smoothies & yoga retreats - it involves everyone having access to basic needs as well as a feeling and state of wellbeing.
"let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you
It will never lead you astray"
really love.
— rumi
Some of my creative work includes social media marketing. I only work with brands who's overarching values align with mine, her are a few semi-recent partnerships:
Four Sigmatic
Hungry Harvest
Actually Curious
Freebie Freebie Freebie
Find me around the web @LivingWells_
If you're into intentional living with a dose of realism, cozy recipes, and finding beauty in the small things - you're in the right place.
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